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News & Announcements

Wideband Amplifiers – Variable and Temperature-Compensated Gain
Aug 30, 2024 | Amplifiers
Many types of RF systems and applications that span from the upper end of microwave frequencies to the lower end of mmWave have arisen in recent years. Meeting system requirements over such a wide bandwidth and high frequency range, or even a broad sub-band requires that system performance parameters be stable, and the parameter that […]

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Music, Food, Games and Good Company, What Could be Better?
Aug 29, 2024 | Mini-Circuits Life
We threw our team a carnival-themed picnic to show them how much they’re appreciated! The catered event featured games, carnival foods like zeppoles and cotton candy, and raffles.

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Phase-Matched Cable Assemblies
Aug 27, 2024 | Cables
Phase-matched cable assemblies are ubiquitous, and growing in popularity. Electrical length matching requirements continue to tighten and the mechanical precision of cable construction improves to keep pace. This article explains why phase-matching is so prevalent, and why it matters so much. We also describe Mini-Circuits’ capabilities in the phase-matching cable arena as well as our TF40 and TF50 precision test cables.

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Advanced Search Engine
for RF Components

Search millions of points of actual, measured data to find the part for your requirements based on characteristic performance over your specific application band.

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for RF/Microwave Engineers