
RF Test Solutions › N x M Switch Matrices 50Ω / 75Ω

RF Switch Matrices

Blocking, Non-Blocking and Full-Fanout Designs

Our integrated switch matrices provide reliable and repeatable signal routing for any application. Blocking, non blocking and full fan-out switch matrices are available using many combinations of mechanical and solid-state switch technologies to meet your unique system requirements.

  • Blocking, non-blocking and full-fanout configurations
  • Ideal for managing complex signal traffic
  • Combinations of mechanical and solid state switches for optimal performance

Blocking Switch Matrices

  • Multiple switch paths with “one to one” configuration >> Each input connects to a single output
  • High reliability switches on inputs and outputs
  • Bi-directional operation

Model Name Frequency(MHz) Configuration Impedance Connectors Rack Height Control
Low High Inputs Outputs
ZT-16X48B 600 6,000 16 48 50 SMA 14U USB; LAN
ZT-175 DC 12,000 6 8 50 SMA 4U USB; LAN
ZT-24X48B 600 6,000 24 48 50 SMA 48U USB; LAN
ZT-24X8B 10 6,000 24 8 50 SMA 5U USB; LAN; Daisy-Chain
ZT-6X3B DC 12,000 6 3 50 SMA 3U USB; LAN
ZT-8X8B 10 6,000 8 8 50 SMA 3U USB; LAN; Daisy-Chain
ZT-8X8B-1835 DC 18,000 8 8 50 SMA 4U USB; LAN
ZTVS-16-06-S 10 6,000 2 16 50 SMA 3U USB; LAN; Daisy-Chain
ZTVX-10-12-S DC 12,000 2 10 50 SMA 2U USB; LAN
ZTVX-10-18-S DC 18,000 2 10 50 SMA 2U USB; LAN
ZTVX-12-12-S DC 12,000 2 12 50 SMA 2U USB; LAN
ZTVX-12-18-S DC 18,000 2 12 50 SMA 2U USB; LAN
ZTVX-16-12-S DC 12,000 2 16 50 SMA 2U USB; LAN
ZTVX-16-18-S DC 18,000 2 16 50 SMA 2U USB; LAN
ZTVX-32-12-S DC 12,000 2 32 50 SMA 4U USB; LAN
ZTVX-8-12-S DC 12,000 2 8 50 SMA 2U USB; LAN
ZTVX-8-18-S DC 18,000 2 8 50 SMA 2U USB; LAN
ZTVX-8-75-N 5 2,500 2 8 75 N-type 3U USB; LAN
ZTVX-10-75-N 5 2,500 2 10 75 N-type 4U USB; LAN
ZTVX-12-75-N 5 2,500 2 12 75 N-type 4U USB; LAN
ZTVX-16-75-N 5 2,500 2 16 75 N-type 4U USB; LAN
ZT-12X12B 600 6,000 12 12 50 SMA 5U USB; LAN; Daisy-Chain
ZT-4X12B-26-S DC 26,500 4 12 50 3.5 mm 4U USB; LAN;
ZT-4X4B-18-S DC 18,000 4 4 50 SMA 3U USB; LAN;
ZTVX-32-18-S DC 18,000 2 32 50 SMA 4U USB; LAN;

Non-Blocking Switch Matrices

  • Fan-Out Operation:
    • Splitters on inputs and switches on outputs
    • Each input can connect to multiple outputs
    • Ideal for receiver test applications
    • Bi-directional operation
  • Fan-In Operation:
    • Switches on inputs and combiners on outputs
    • Multiple inputs can connect to each output
    • Ideal for transmitter test applications
    • Bi-directional operation
Model Name Frequency(MHz) Configuration Impedance Connectors Rack Height Control
Low High Inputs Outputs
ZT-10X30NB 600 6,000 10 30 50 SMA 4U USB; LAN; Daisy-Chain
ZT-10X6NB 600 6,000 10 6 50 N-type 5U USB; LAN
ZT-4X4NB 350 6,000 4 4 50 SMA 3U USB; LAN
ZT-20X6NB 600 6,000 20 6 50 SMA 5U USB; LAN
ZT-80X30NB 600 6,000 80 30 50 SMA 38U USB; LAN
ZT-8X8NB 600 6,000 8 8 50 SMA 3U USB; LAN; Daisy-Chain

Full Fan-Out Matrices

  • Many to many configuration >> all inputs can connect to all outputs simultaneously
  • Programmable attenuators used to vary path loss and switch paths on / off
  • Ideal for massive MIMO, eNodeB, mesh radio and handover test systems

Model Name Frequency(MHz) Configuration Path Control Connectors Rack Height Control
Low High Inputs Outputs
ZT-24RFX8 500 6,000 0-63 dB 8 0-63 dB SMA 5U USB; LAN
ZT-16RFX8 500 6,000 0-63 dB 8 0-63 dB SMA 5U USB; LAN
ZT-8RFX8-6E 500 7200 0-63 dB 8 0-63 dB SMA 3U USB; LAN; Daisy-Chain
ZT-4X16NB-1 900 2150 4 16 On / Off SMA 5U USB; LAN