
RF Test Solutions › Signal Distribution Systems

RF Signal Distribution Systems

For High-Volume Test Setups

For test systems requiring distribution of signal to many DUTs, Mini-Circuits’ signal distribution systems combine splitter/combiners and directional couplers to expand test signal into multiple channels. Amplifiers can also be incorporated to minimize path loss and manage signal power from input to output.

  • Wide selection of splitter/combiners and directional couplers in stock
  • Bandwidths up to 65 GHz
  • RF input power up to 250W
  • Rack-mounted, panel-mounted or benchtop structures

Passive Power Splitter / Combiner Racks

Model Name Frequency (MHz) Configuration Rack Height
Low High Split Count Connectors
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ZT-201 350 6000 2-Way 20 N-type 4U
ZT-207 350 6000 2-Way 6 N-type / SMA 3U
ZT-208 350 4600 4-Way 4 N-type 3U
ZT-246 350 6000 2-Way 12 SMA 2U
ZT-406 800 2200 2-Way 16 SMA 2U
ZT-402 30 2000 8-Way 2 SMA 1U

Active Splitters

Model Name Frequency (MHz) Configuration Package
Low High Split Gain (dB) Connectors
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ZT-104 10 10 16-Way -6 BNC Benchtop
ZT-161RS 900 2250 16-Way 22 SMA 2U rack
ZT-338 950 2150 8-Way 0.5 SMA 1U rack
ZT-415 30 6000 8-Way 1.5 N-type & SMA 1U rack