RoHS / Reach / WEEE Regulations
Material Declarations are available on this website, from the product's model page under the Datasheet Link and by clicking on "RoHS" link. Please email or contact our Sales Department for additional questions or information.
Mini-Circuits' RoHS compliance program was developed per Directive 2002/95/EC. On June 8, 2011, this was supplanted by Directive2011/65/EU. The new directive maintains the original restrictions on the 6 substances but revises some of the exemptions. More recently, 4 phthalate compounds have been included to the list effective June 2019, per Directive (EU) 2015/863
Accordingly, even if product data sheets reference the original RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC, Mini-Circuits RoHS products are, and will remain, compliant to the new directive based on and in accordance with the material content and compliance methodologies, assumptionsand qualifications and our existing program. To access, click on the RoHS/Lead-Free Program button.
Mini-Circuits is now offering RoHS (European Directive for Restriction of Hazardous Substances) compliant parts. RoHS compliancerequires restriction of the use of Lead (Pb), Mercury (Hg), Cadmium (Cd), Hexavalent Chromium (Cr-VI), PolybrominatedBiphenyls (PBB) and PolybrominatedDiphenylethers(PBDE). (Per 2002/95/EC). And 4 phthalates, DEHP, DBP, BBP, and DIBP (per Dir (EU) 2015/863)
Mini-Circuits is introducing RoHS compliant parts across its entire product portfolio; these parts will be added to our product portfolio regularly. RoHS compliant parts will have a new part number that will consist of the existing part number (non RoHS compliant) followed by the "+" suffix. For example: existing ADE-1 has SnPbplated terminations and ADE-1+ will have lead-free plated terminations in order to become RoHS compliant.
A list of RoHS/Lead-Free compliant parts can be viewed by visiting our website. Our catalog and website part lists will be regularly updated to indicate new offerings.
Mini-Circuits is offering RoHS compliant parts in order to (i) meet customer requirements for environmentally friendly parts; (ii) address European Commission directives and Japanese legislation slated to take effect in 2006; and (iii) continue to pursue Mini-Circuits' commitment to offer environmentally friendly parts to better our environment in accordance with Mini-Circuits' ISO 14001 certification
Parts will be solderablein customer reflow operations, in both lead-free and leaded environments. For individual part details on reflow operation recommendations and other important information, please refer to Mini-Circuits' applicable specifications, qualification data and related application notes that are made available for customer review. This information is available upon request. Contact: for that purpose.
Mini-Circuits qualifies RoHS compliant parts in accordance with industry standards such as IPC and JEDEC standards.
Mini-Circuits' qualification tests have been performed in accordance with Mini-Circuits' ISO9001/AS9100 certification. This certification signifies that parts meet an internally acceptable set of quality standards.
REACH is an acronym for Registration, Evaluation and Authorization (and Restriction) of Chemicals. This EU 'regulation' came into force on June 1, 2007 and is intended to be a support for global efforts on environmental protection.
Mini-Circuits is proud of its early adoption of ISO14001 certification and is an environmentally conscious member of the community.
- Mini-Circuits' component products are defined as SIMPLE ARTICLES
- There is no "intended release" of SVHCs in our products
- Registration is not required for Mini-Circuits' products
- Mini-Circuits is compliant to Reach Regulations
Material Declarations are available now directly from the model dashboard by clicking on "RoHS". Please email to or contact our Sales Department for additional questions or information.
- REACH applies to ALL imports to the EU, as opposed to RoHS which addresses only the Electronics Industry
- There are 3 levels of interest defined by REACH:
- SUBSTANCES: Base chemicals identified by CAS or EINIC lists
- PREPARATIONS: Combinations of substances in a product (Ex: ink, adhesives, etc)
- ARTICLES: assembled products (Ex: cars, airplanes, electronic components)
- The regulation focuses on the control of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs) that are relevant to Substances and Preparations, not Articles.
- There are currently thousands of chemicals under consideration for SVHC status. Mini-Circuits periodically reviews the EU Website ( for changes to the list and regulations and the impact they may have on our models
- REGISTRATION is required for Substances and Preparations, not Articles
- NOTIFICATION and COMMUNICATION is required for Articles under the following conditions:
- SVHC > 0.1% of Total Article Weight (Ex: the total weight of the car)
- The ARTICLE has an "intended release" of SVHC
Mini-Circuits has identified many of our existing non-RoHS models as containing lead (Pb) in solder surfaces. These models contain Pb per the European Union 2002/95/EC Annex 7 and may be exempted for users in telecommunications, network servers, etc.
These models are compliant in the other 5 substances and are, therefore, called RoHS-5.
These models will include "RoHS5" in the description field for ease of identification.
As an ISO-14001 certified company, Mini-Circuits, Inc. is committed to promoting a Green Environment for the betterment of mankind.
In response to environmental guidelines and legislation enacted, MINI-CIRCUITS has adopted the policy of compliance to the RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) Directive as set forth by the European Union. We will, therefore, meet the requirement of compliance for:
- Lead (Pb) < 0.1%
- Mercury (Hg) < 0.1%
- Cadmium (Cd) < 0.01%
- DEHP < 0.1%
- DBP < 0.1%
- Hexavalent Chromium (CrVI) < 0.1%
- Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBB) < 0.1%
- Polybrominated Diphenyl Esters (PBDE) < 0.1%
- BBP < 0.1%
- DIBP < 0.1%
Beginning in 2001, MINI-CIRCUITS set up a multi-functional team to develop a phased approach to implementation. This method was set up to provide a working plan for implementation that would take into account the needs of customers.
- Forward Compatibility: The ability of our existing product families to withstand Pb-free reflow conditions using Sn/Ag/Cu or similar solder alloys with a melting temperature of about 220 degrees C.
- Backward Compatibility: The ability of our Pb-free product families to be compatible with Pb containing materials used by customers who have not made the transition to Pb-Free assembly processes.
- Pb-free Solder: The selection of appropriate formulations of Pb-free solders that would provide equal, or better, solderability, joint reliability and process capability.
- Product Status Determination:Evaluation of the various product categories, case styles and families for their RoHS/Pb-free status. Identification of the changes in materials and processes needed to develop new compliant products.
- Component Search, Evaluation and Selection: The sourcing and qualification of various alternate platings, finishes and material composition needed to 'develop new compliant products.
- Management Decision: The development of criteria and policy with regard to issues such as maintaining dual stocks, product identification and segregation, and timing of introduction.
- Implementation: Availability of RoHS/Pb-free compliant parts to satisfy customer demand.
MINI-CIRCUITS will abide by the definition of RoHS compliance as set out by the EU standards, including maximum allowable values for the 6 substances to be banned.
MINI-CIRCUITS' method of compliance determination is based on either of the following:
- Supplier provided information
- Actual measured values where practical
- Calculated results from accumulated data
- Similarity to previously assessed product
Mini-Circuits is introducing RoHS compliant parts across its entire product portfolio; these parts will be added to our product portfolio regularly. RoHS compliant parts will have a new part number that will consist of the existing part number followed by the "+" suffix. For example: ADE-1 will have SnPb plating and ADE-1+ will have lead-free plating.
The "+" will be marked on models that are currently marked with a part number. This "+" as well as the
will appear on reel labels or packaging. In addition, we will be implementing the JESD97 (eX) method of identifying metallization finishes.
Many of our current part numbers are currently RoHS compliant. In order to maintain a consistent part numbering system we will also be adding a "+" suffix to these part numbers.
Mini-Circuits has received thousands of requests from customers for Material Declarations. In many cases, customers request that the information be provided in their unique electronic formats.
Our policy is to provide material content in one of two formats:
- Weight breakdown by sub component
- Total unit breakdown including weight and PPM for the entire part
In each case, we will also provide our determination of the RoHS/Pb-free compliance status based on our interpretation of the EU standard.
We provide CAS (Chemical Abstract Service) numbers, where available, as a response to popular demand.
Material Declarations are available now directly from the model datasheet by clicking on 'RoHS'. Please email to: or contact our Sales Department for additional questions or information.
Mini-Circuits monitors international standards for RoHS for countries in which our products are sold. Per FAQ Q31 of the Chinese language standard, our component level products are considered to be raw materials or sub-assemblies and, therefore, not subject to CHINA RoHS labeling requirements.
Address all inquiries on RoHS/Pb-Free to:
- What's driving the move to RoHS/Pb-Free processes?
Mini-Circuits has instituted a RoHS/Pb-Free program in response to legislation and environmental standards proposed by the EU, Japan and customers. As an ISO-14001 certified company, Mini-Circuits is committed to providing quality products that are in harmony with the environment. Please see our "Statement of Policy"
- What is MINI-CIRCUITS' definition of RoHS Compliance?
Our definition of RoHS Compliance is based on that of the EU RoHS Directive, taking into account the minimum allowable PPM concentrations of six substances called out.
- How do you determine RoHS Compliance?
Our method of determination of RoHS compliance is based on supplier provided information, part weight breakdown, or calculated results.
- Does your company have a roadmap for RoHS development and product availability?
Our goal, is to be RoHS/Pb-Free compliant in advance of the EU requirement of July 1, 2006. During this time, product may be available as RoHS Compliance, non-compliant, or both, depending on the model. Special request for either condition should be forwarded to our Sales Department
Products will generally become available as a family. We will update our website when information is available. - What is MCL policy on DecaBDE?
Due to the non-availability of substitution for Deca-BDE, EU RoHS has exempted this hazardous substance in October 2005 (Decision 2005/717/EC). The European Court of Justice (2008/C 116/02) has annulled the decabromodiphenyl ether (Deca-BDE) exemption to the EU RoHS directive, dated October 2005 and entered it into force on July 1, 2008.
To the best of our knowledge, Mini-Circuits' RoHS products (including RoHS 5/6 with lead in solder exemption) do not contain DecaBDE in concentration exceeding 0.1% (weight) in homogeneous material as identified in EU Directive 2002/95/EC and 2005/618/EC.
- What is Mini-Circuits' position on the REACH legislation?
All models sold by Mini-Circuits are defined as ARTICLES per RIP 3.8 of the EU REACH legislation. In addition, there is no intended release of SVHCs (substances of very high concern) or high volume use of SVHCs (as yet TBD). Therefore, there is no registration or notification requirement for our models. As a service to our customers in determining their obligations, we provide material declarations that identify all substances used to 0.01%.
- What is MCL policy on dessicants with DMF (dimethylfumarate)?
To the best of our knowledge, Mini-Circuits complies with the European Union 2009/251/EC ban on Biocide Dimethyfumarate (DMF) and its use in dessicant pouches. This is based on supplier provided certification.
- Is Mini-Circuits compliant with the new RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU?
Mini-Circuits' RoHS compliance program was developed per Directive 2002/95/EC. On June 8, 2011, this was supplanted by Directive 2011/65/EU. The new directive maintains the original restrictions on the 6 substances but revises some of the exemptions.
Accordingly, even if product data sheets reference the original RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC, Mini-Circuits RoHS products are, and will remain, compliant to the new directive based on and in accordance with the material content and compliance methodologies, assumptions and qualifications and our existing program. To access, click on the RoHS/Lead-Free Program button.
- How will one be able to distinguish between RoHS Compliant and non RoHS Compliant products?
Parts that are RoHS Compliant will have a "+" suffix. (Example: JMS-1 will become JMS-1+ to indicate Compliant Status).
The "+" will be marked on models that are currently marked with a part number (this excludes open transformers and some MMICs). This part number will appear on reel labels or packaging. We will also be adopting the
for labels, as well as the JESD97 (eX) method of identifying metallization finish.
In addition, we have begun to include the word "RoHS" on labels of parts that are compliant. (Sept, 2006).
- If a model does not have a + suffix, does that always mean that it is not RoHS compliant?
This is not always true. Many of Mini-Circuits' models were RoHS compliant before the EU requirement was established. These models were named before the policy to use the + suffix as an identifier was instituted.
We are working hard to unify the part numbering system and many of these parts have already been renamed using the + suffix. Because we have so many model families, not all have been changed yet. We appreciate your patience.
- Are changes necessary in the customer's process to use RoHS Compliant devices?
No changes in the customer's process is required to use compliant products. Mini-Circuits RoHS Compliant products will be "backwards compatible" with SnPb soldering processes.
- Can Mini-Circuits' RoHS compliant models withstand higher temperatures of lead-free reflow?
Mini-Circuits' RoHS compliant models can withstand a maximum peak reflow temperature of 260°C ( + 0°C) for up to 30 seconds as required by IPC/JEDEC STD - 020C.
NOTE: Please follow your solder paste supplier's recommended reflow profile.
- For Pb-Free devices, what plating finishes will be used?
Currently, SnPb surface plating is used on several external and internal components. The Pb-Free substitute will depend on the process of manufacturing those components, along with availability in the marketplace. Among the proposed choices currently under consideration are:- Leads : 100% Matte Tin over Nickel Barrier
- Leads for certain MMICS: SnAgNi
- Pin Unit Headers: SnAg over Nickel Barrier
- Chip Components: 100% Tin over Nickel Barrier
- PCB (softboard): ENIG
- PCB (ceramic): ENIG, 100% Tin over Nickel Barrier
- Solder: SnAgCu
- What if I want to continue to use lead containing products after the Pb-Free version is made per the published Pb-Free schedule?
Mini-Circuits may continue to offer the current SnPb (Tin/Lead) plated products for customers that require the Pb containing materials and are not ready to accept Pb-Free products at this time. Please contact your Sales Representative.
- What qualification test will be done?
All product and processes under consideration for redesign will be tested and qualified per our practice.
Each product category will be tested according to its specific requirements to insure quality and reliability for its intended use by the customer. - If 100% tin-plating finish, what qualification process is used to evaluate the risk of tin whiskers?
At this time there is no standard test for Tin Whiskers. Mini-Circuits has done testing based on the conditions below:- Storage - 1000 hours
- Aging - 1000 hours
- Thermal Cycling - 500 cycles
- Use of Matte Tin
- Long Grain
- Nickel Barrier
- Fusing or Reflow to reduce stress
- Controlled Plating Thickness
- Leadless packages resulting in customer solder encapsulation
- 90 degree lead orientation in MMICs
- What issues are present when using XRF as a test tool for RoHS compliance?
XRF is a popular and economical tool used to detect substances of concern. There are, however, severe limitations to its application as an accurate means of verifying RoHS compliance. These often lead to false negative readings.- XRF will detect substances such as lead (Pb) and bromine (Br). The presence of these substances, however, does not indicate non-compliance. For example, the EU standard prohibits PBB and PBDE, not all forms of Bromine. Additionally, lead is a naturally occuring exempt substance in certain metal alloys and glass-ceramic.
- XRF cannot adequately distinguish between plating and base metals because of depth of penetration. Pb-free platings may be comingled with lead oxide present in base metal and give false negatives.
- Where do customers send request for RoHS parts?
Customers should contact their Sales Representative or Customer Service Representative to place orders for RoHS product and samples.
- What if I need a RoHS Compliant product prior to the published Pb-Free schedule?
We will try to accommodate your request. Please contact your Sales Representative.
- Who does a customer contact if they have questions?
For further information regarding Mini-Circuits' RoHS Program, please contact our Representatives and Sales Offices, or email us:
- Transition policy, creating or converting?
Mini-Circuits will be creating a parallel line of RoHS compliant parts in addition to our existing product line. This policy applies to most of our model families. There are, however, models that have always been RoHS and these will be renamed with the + suffix to be consistent with our identification policy.
- Do Mini-Circuits products contain PFOS/PFOA?
To the best of our knowledge after review of supplier material declarations and internal analysis, we have not found PFOS or PFOA as a listed substance.
On January 6, 2021, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued final rules for five persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic chemicals under TSCA. These chemicals are 2,4,6-tris(tert-butyl)phenol (2,4,6-TTBP) (CASRN 732-26-3); decabromodiphenyl ether (decaBDE) (CASRN 1163-19-5); phenol, isopropylated phosphate (3:1) (PIP (3:1)) (CASRN 68937-41-7); pentachlorothiophenol (PCTP) (CASRN 133-49-3); and hexachlorobutadiene (HCBD) (CASRN 87-68-3).
Based upon our review of our own suppliers’ material declarations, none of the five listed substances is present in Mini-Circuits products.
Mini-Circuits’ concern for the environment is evident in our becoming the first company in New York State to have our Environmental Management System certified to ISO-14000. In addition, we put into place compliance programs for EU RoHS, REACh, Conflict Minerals and other regulatory policies.
The worldwide concerns about PFAS are real and we take them very seriously. The major impact that Mini-Circuits will face in eliminating PFAS is related to our suppliers of TEFLON materials used as insulators in cables, connectors and other hardware items that are not used by the general public. These are in purchased products and we are dependent on our suppliers to find alternatives.
Mini-Circuits has the distinction of being the first ISO 14000 certified company in New York State and is committed to protecting the environment. Our products include RoHS and REACH compliant non-hazardous materials and processes. Our policy on WEEE end-of-life compliance is:
Mini-Circuits provides detailed material declarations for component level devices to assist equipment manufacturers in their WEEE end of life disposal process.
Mini-Circuits offers 'take-back' for disposal/recycling of end-of-life equipment via our network of international representatives. Contact your provider for additional information.
The majority of Mini-Circuits’ products are classified as component level devices and therefore do not fall within the scope of the CE, UKCA and FCC certification regulations. Mini-Circuits can supply most components as RoHS compliant (part of the harmonized CE or UKCA regulations) as a pre-requisite for customers being able to carry out their own CE or UKCA certification of their final systems. The other tabs of this webpage provide more background on the common regulatory requirements for components.
The exception to this is with Mini-Circuits’ Test Solutions and certain other integrated systems, typically those including a built-in power supply or software control interface, which may fall within the scope of CE, UKCA and FCC regulations. More information on these products can be found at, with the detailed user guides at
The datasheets for Mini-Circuits products list the relevant certifications, either on the first or last page. Please contact with any questions.
A Declaration of Conformity can be provided on request for all Mini-Circuits products within scope of CE. Self-certification is permitted for these product categories and Mini-Circuits will typically certify according to the following European directives, as required:
- Low Voltage Directive 2014/35
- Electromagnetic Compatibility – Directive 2014/30/EU
- Restriction of the Use of certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (RoHS) – Directive 2015/863
A Declaration of Conformity can be provided on request for all Mini-Circuits products falling within scope of UKCA. Self-certification is permitted for these product categories and Mini-Circuits will typically certify according to the following UK directives, as required:
- Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 2016
- Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations 2016
- The Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations 2012
For the purposes of FCC regulations, the applicable Mini-Circuits products are characterized as “unintentional radiators”:
[47 CFR § 15.3 - Unintentional radiator definition: A device that intentionally generates radio frequency energy for use within the device, or that sends radio frequency signals by conduction to associated equipment via connecting wiring, but which is not intended to emit RF energy by radiation or induction.]
Self-certification is permitted for these devices and all Mini-Circuits’ products within scope are verified for compliance with part 15 of the FCC rules as either class A or class B devices (model dependent). Please refer to the model’s user guide for precise classifications.