Key Application
CATV & Broadband Access
Actives & Passives from DOCSIS 1.x to 4.x & Beyond
Your Complete Solution Partner

Our 75Ω transformers, diplexers, couplers and other passive components have been essential in a wide range of architectures for decades, with performance, quality and service that have made Mini-Circuits a trusted partner to CATV industry customers.

Our new Santa Rosa MMIC Design Center builds on that foundation with industry-leading design capability for power amplifiers, multi-chip modules and hybrids for DOCSIS 3.1 and 4.0 systems utilizing ESD, FDX and other configurations.

Peace of Mind
When you choose Mini-Circuits, you’re getting more than the right partner for your system. You’re getting a partner committed to your success.
· Accessible, engineering technical support
· Industry-leading supply-chain stability
· 55+ years in-house manufacturing and quality excellence
Product Line Synergy
Optimizing System Performance & Production Stability
Advanced in-house capability for 75Ω GaAs and GaN amplifier design and manufacturing together with an extensive portfolio of passive devices allows Mini-Circuits to optimize our designs for better overall system performance and production stability.
Typical Line Extender Amplifier Block Diagram
#1 TACH-182-75-xx+ (high power choke) #2 TDC-xx-182-xxx+ (test point couplers) #3 D4PLXEH1/EV1-x+ (DOCSIS 4.0 diplexers)
#4 TRS1-182-75-3+ (1.8 GHz transformer) #5 TC1-33-75G2+ (1.8 GHz transformer)
DOCSIS 4.0 Channel Split Options
Mini-Circuits offers solutions for virtually any system configuration including FDX (full-duplex) and ESD (extended-spectrum) DOCSIS 4.0 architectures. Our diplexers support any channel split for 1.2 GHz and 1.8 GHz systems.