prompt2PortSOLT Uses prompt1PortSOL to get SOL measurements at each port, an additional thru measurement, and an optional isolation measurement. [Gm1,Gm2,Tm,Im] = prompt2PortSOLT(vnakit,settings,ports) input: vnakit: (the board) object, settings: vnakit settings object, ports: port mapping dictionary isolation: (bool) will the isolation measurement be taken sw_corr: (bool) will switch correction be applied output: Gm1: [3,num_pts] port 1 measured reflection coefficients in order OSL Gm2: [3,num_pts] port 2 measured reflection coefficients in order OSL Tm: [2,2,num_pts] measured thru S-parameters (optional) Im: [2,2,num_ptss] measured isolation S-parameters