deEmbed De-Embeds an adapter or multiple adapters from a 2-port measurement. All S-Parameter inputs must be aligned. Port 2 of one network feeds port 1 of the subsequent network (see diag). This fuction supports de-embedding of adapters on either side of the DUT. If only a single adapter is used, set unused adapter to [] or repmat([0,1;1,0],[1,1,num_pts]) _______________________________________ | _______ _______ _______ | A_DUT_B o-|---|P1 P2|---|P1 P2|---|P1 P2|---|-o A_DUT_B Port1 | | S_A | | S_DUT | | S_B | | Port2 o-|---|_______|---|_______|---|_______|---|-o |_______________________________________| S_dut = deEmbed(S_A_DUT_B,S_A,S_B) inputs: S_A_DUT_B: [2,2,num_pts] S-Parameter description of the combined network Adapter A - DUT - Adapter B S_A : [2,2,num_pts] S-Parameter description of adapter on the left (Port 1) side of the DUT S_B : [2,2,num_pts] S-Parameter description of adapter on the right (Port 2) side of the DUT outputs: S_dut: [2,2,num_pts] S-parameter description of the DUT